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外丹功 Waitankung Testimony 2 June 14, 2007

Posted by waitankung in Testimony., Waidangong, Waitankung, 外丹功.
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外丹功 Waitankung Testimony 2 – Waitankung  Restored My Eyesight and Memory by Lui Pak-ser [ 刘伯舵 ] – Taiwan.

One day in December, 1977, I suddenly lost my eyesight and memory. I went to the Hospital of the Armed Forces in Taipei for a checkup and it was found that three blood vessels in the brain responsible for eyesight and memory suffered from sclerosis. After being treated by the hospital for one hundred days, I was told by the doctors that there was no medicine available to cure my illness.

Being desperate, I left the hospital and consulted many doctors of both Chinese and Western medicine, but my illness remained the same. I even asked the Buddha
and other gods for help, and there was no response at all. During the following four years. I spent about US$25,000 to no avail.

In January198l, a friend of mine told me that many people’s with chronic diseases had been cured by Waitankung 外丹功, a Chinese kungfu which helps arouse one’s innate Qi, and urged me to learn it. Following his advice, I went to
Sheng-li Elementary School in Pingtung to learn it from the instructor Mr. Lan Kung Hwa. But five months later, there was no improvement in my health. I was somewhat disappointed and stopped practicing it. After an interval of two months, my interest revived and I resumed my practice of Waitankung 外丹功 . Every morning I went to Sheng-li Elementary School to learn it from Mr. Lan, and with great patience, he taught me how to practice it. One month later, I found to my surprise that the innate Qi in my body was activated and my eyes could see people and read newspapers again.……Read More